Dear Viewer,
While to date there have been no productions of In America staged or filmed, a few readers of the show wrote the following imagined reviews which we wanted to include for your consideration. We look forward to the day when the show is truly produced, and actual reviews are available. For all News or Reviews concerning In America, includin fan mail and artwork submitted on the website’s Contact page, please visit News &
Reviews here at
Thank you for your kind and generous support.
Yours truly,
Hal Harper
Dear Viewers,
For the sake of convenience, we have decided to put all the News, Reviews & Videos regarding “In America” on one page. As material becomes available, it will appear here, so please check back for updates.
The big news is that after many years of writing and planning, a new website has been launched to introduce a modern musical entitled In America to the public. Its topical themes have never been more relevant and mark a key contribution to the multitude of debates swirling around these challenging issues today.
Songs about immigration, racism, education, and wealth distribution make their way onstage in this compelling story about a new English language teacher who gets his first job teaching English to the local immigrant population. He discovers a new world unknown to him, filled with joys and sorrows, love and drama, and a memorable heart-wrenching finale.
We look forward to hearing the public’s reaction to this new production and hope that viewers may find the story important enough to join others in a campaign to stage a full-scale professional production of this large-scale musical (more than 30 characters) at a stage or theater near you in the not-too-distant future.
Thanks for watching, and check back here from time to time to keep up on news about In America as it happens.
While there have been no productions of In America either staged or filmed to date, a few readers of the show were kind enough to write the following imaginary reviews, which we wanted to include here on the News, Reviews & Videos page for your consideration.
Samantha F.
“I just came back after watching In America, and it was a fantastic experience. The
numbers, choreography, design-everything was top-notch. Despite the heavy
themes, I loved how subtly the musical conveyed the message.”
Leo P.
“My friends and I went to a jam-packed theater to watch In America, and we came
back with a lot of insights into the USA’s core issues. One of my friends even started crying at the end, that’s how powerful the musical was.”
Bea N.
“I cannot stop singing the songs after watching In America. They were so catchy. Special credit to the music director for making everything so relatable. I believe In America is theater at its finest.”
We look forward to the day when the show is professionally produced, and authentic reviews of the show are written, commenting on the musical in detail.
Video I
Hal Harper Introduces In America
Video II
The Nashville Sessions
here on the News, Reviews & Videos page. We look forward to sharing your creations with viewers like you around the world.
18 Song Titles w/ attached completed TikTok video including working links to “In America” (Web Page) and Donations.
Media Videos
To Be Posted
Fan Submissions
To Be Posted
Hal Harper
Hal Harper

Samantha F.
“I just came back after watching In America, and it was a fantastic experience. The
numbers, choreography, design-everything was top-notch. Despite the heavy
themes, I loved how subtly the musical conveyed the message.”
Leo P.
“My friends and I went to a jam-packed theater to watch In America, and we came
back with a lot of insights into the USA’s core issues. One of my friends even started crying at the end, that’s how powerful the musical was.”
Bea N.
“I cannot stop singing the songs after watching In America. They were so catchy. Special credit to the music director for making everything so relatable. I believe In America is theater at its finest.”